Our Benefits

Mullock’s Dry Car Wash Benefits:

Mullock’s dry wash is a superior choice for cleaning your car because it offers several benefits over traditional water-based car washes:

Water Conservation:

Mullock’s dry wash is a waterless car wash, which means that it uses significantly less water than traditional car washes. This makes it an environmentally-friendly option that helps conserve water resources.


With Mullock’s dry wash, you can clean your car anywhere, at any time, without the need for access to a water source. This makes it a great option for people who live in areas with water restrictions or for those who don’t have access to a hose or pressure washer.


Using Mullock’s dry wash is a quick and easy way to clean your car. It eliminates the need for washing, rinsing and drying, which can save you a lot of time.

Protects your car:

The Super-Hydrophobic formula contains the very latest “Lotus Leaf” Nano Technology which cleans, refreshes, shines & 2-Wax protects all in one, it creates beading and a hydrophobic water sheeting to all hard exterior treated surfaces with added UV protection that repels water & dirt build-up for easy repeat cleaning.


Dry Washing your car with Mullock’s dry wash is a cost-effective option because it eliminates the need for water, electricity and other resources. It also lasts longer than traditional car washes, which means you won’t have to clean your car as often.

Showroom Finish:

Mullock’s dry wash releases and suspends dirt and grime from all exterior surfaces to create a superb “Showroom Finish” which makes your car look like brand new.

In summary, Mullock’s dry wash is a convenient, efficient and cost-effective way to clean your car that also helps conserve water and protect your car from dirt and grime.